In June 2017 at the annual meeting of Weave a Real Peace in Oaxaca, Mexico, Claudia Pérez Pérez of Tsobol Antsetik offered the following words about how she feels when women from other countries wear the traditional blouse of women in her township, San Pedro Chenalhó.
“For us, we feel very comfortable when we see a foreigner wearing our blouse. We think that she isn’t an egotistic woman, that she doesn’t feel that she is better than us. I feel very happy to see that she also wears it on her body, that she has a good heart for us. We think that she is a good person, that she honors us, that she has great caring for us, that she gives us a lot of support.”
“A nosotras nos sentimos muy comodas cuando una extranjera pone nuestra blusa. Pensamos que ella no es una mujer egoista, o sea que no se siente tan alta como a nosotras. Me siento muy contenta a ver que ya tiene en su cuerpo tambien, como que tiene un corazon para nosotras. Pensamos que es buena gente, que tiene un gran honradez a nosotras, un gran cariño a nosotras, y un gran apoya para nosotras.”