Colorful Scarf – Red with corn, blue with women

We’re happy to offer two cotton scarves woven on a backstrap loom by members of the weaving collective Tsobol Antsetik (Women United) based in Chixiltón, Chenalhó, Chiapas. Each scarf features a symbol important to the people of Chenalhó – corn and women. The blue scarf is adorned with three women symbols on each end. The red scarf features three corn plants on the ends.
$35 includes postage. With each scarf we enclose an explanation of the significance of the symbols and a card with the photo and name of the weaver. Our thanks to Weaving for Justice volunteer, Autumn McAllister, for modeling the scarves.
Striped Cotton Scarf

This lovely cotton scarf is woven by a member of Luchom Jolom Antsetik (Women Embroiderers and Weavers) a collective based in the community of Tsabalhó in Chenalhó, Chiapas, Mexico. It measures 10” x 27”, including fringe and comes in three options. $35 includes postage. Our thanks to Divya for modeling scarf #1.